Simple steps can help you
control your bills

Winter pricing is here, and when you use energy matters. Using less energy from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. is good for the environment (and your budget). We’ve put together tips, resources and programs to help you manage your energy usage & bill. Together, we can make a difference for a cleaner, greener tomorrow. Business customers, click here.

Winter Savings

Energy Management Tools

Energy Alerts

Stay informed on your energy use and avoid surprises on your bill. Sign into My Energy Center to personalize your Energy Alerts and get text or email notifications when your usage reaches a dollar amount limit that you set. 

Energy Alerts

My Energy Charts

Taking control of your energy bill has never been more convenient. Sign into My Energy Center for easy-to-use features that help you track your energy use and predict your bill.

My Energy Charts


Vampire Energy - How much is it costing you?

When left plugged in, unused electronics and appliances can drain your energy and (your wallet). Use the Vampire Energy Calculator to learn how much you can save by unplugging items in your home when not in use.  Energy vampires are real. Unplug to save. 

Finding the Vampires

Discover and defeat hidden Vampire Energy with our calculator!
Which of these energy vampires do you have plugged in? Quantity Avg kWh per Year * Energy cost per year **
Robot Vacuum Charger 10 $4.45
Monitor 21 $9.21
Air Purifier 25 $10.74
Coffee Maker 33 $14.58
Television 33 $14.58
Smart Home Hub 51 $22.10
Microwave 53 $23.02
Computer Laptop 56 $24.55
Gaming Console 60 $26.09
Toaster 70 $30.69
Printer 92 $40.05
Modem/WiFi 117 $50.95
Audio System 141 $61.38
Cable Box 281 $122.76
Uninterruptible Power Supply 896 $391.15



© 2024 The Regents of the University of California, through the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

**Pricing may vary. Represents a residential customer in the City of San Diego on a [San Diego Community Power/SDG&E] TOU-DR1 pricing plan. Actual savings will vary based on several factors including pricing plan.

What you can do to reduce vampire energy: 

  • Unplug devices when not in use. 
  • Adjust the power settings on your computer, game console, and TV.
  • Plug items that don’t need to stay on 24/7 into a power strip, and switch them off when unneeded. Better, use a smart strip for entertainment and computer systems.
  • Plug devices that you use on a regular schedule into a timer (scheduler), and program the timer to come on only when needed.
  • When replacing any device or appliance, look for an Energy Star rated product.

3 Ways to Cut Your Natural Gas Winter Heating Bill

Control Humidity

Control Humidity

Dry winter air pulls moisture from your skin, making you feel colder. Instead of reaching for the thermostat, use a humidifier to keep your home humidity between 30 and 50%. You'll feel warmer with some humidity in the air.

Heat Effectively

Heat Efficiently

You can save as much as 10%(link is external) per year on heating and cooling by turning your thermostat down 7-10 °F for 8 hours a day in the fall and winter.

Space Heater

Use Space Heaters

Make sure your space heater has a tip-over safety switch, is operated on a hard-level surface, and is turned off when you leave the room. Don't use the heater to dry clothes, and plug the heater directly into the wall to avoid overloading an extension cord.

Click each dot in the home below for tips to save energy and money

Use less hot water
Water heating accounts for 30% of your home’s total energy use. The longer you run hot water, the higher your energy use and bills. To save, try reducing how much hot water you use.
Upgrade your lighting
Along with LED light bulbs, use ENERGY STAR light fixtures, which use less energy and produce less heat.
Run full loads
Save energy and money by running full loads in dishwashers and washing machines.
Close doors and vents
in rarely used rooms and concentrate heat in your living spaces.
Charge While You Sleep
Before you sleep, plug in your devices so they can recharge during super off-peak hours.
Stream on the right device
When streaming content, choose the smallest device that makes sense for the number of people watching. Game consoles can use 10 times more power than streaming through a tablet or laptop.
Wash laundry with cold water
Using warm water instead of hot can cut a load's energy use in half; using cold water will save even more. Bonus, cold water helps your clothes last longer.
Don’t get burned by hot water
Lower the thermostat on your water heater to 120F, if possible. A 10° F reduction can save up to five percent on water heating costs. (*According to the Department Of Energy)

More Energy-Saving Tips

See more tips to save energy.

Blanket energy loss

Wrap older water heaters with proper insulating jackets and set the temperature to 120 degrees F (or lower). 

Block the chill

Get ready for chilly temperatures by caulking and adding weather stripping to drafty doors and windows.  

Lower your thermostat

Save as much as 10% a year(link is external) on heating by turning your thermostat back 7°-10°F for 8 hours a day from its usual setting, health permitting.

Keep your furnace clean

Check and replace your furnace filter. Dirty air filters can increase energy costs. 

Unplug and save

Unplug small appliances and electronics when not in use. Using a power strip with on/off control can help. Save even more if you can power down between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m.   

Complete annual maintenance

Test air ducts for leaks, which can cost between 10 to 30 percent in heating costs. Fix leaky faucets and pipes which increase demand on the water heater and natural gas use.

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Assistance Programs

Care handshake icon

CARE and FERA are two programs we offer that can provide you with a monthly discount on your bill. 


Save Energy icon
Energy Savings Assistance Program (ESA)

With our Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) Program, CARE and FERA customers may be eligible to receive low- or no-cost products and installation .


debt forgiveness icon
Debt Forgiveness (AMP)

Debt forgiveness is available to CARE & FERA customers through our Arrearage Management Payment (AMP) Plan.  


Billing Resources

Enroll in Level Pay

You can have a more predictable energy bill with this budgeting tool that automatically evens out the monthly highs and lows so your energy bills are more consistent.

Learn more about Level Pay

View video in Spanish

sample bill
Understand Your Bill

Review highlighted features on a sample SDG&E and CCA bill to help you better understand your bill and manage your energy use.

View sample bill


electric vehicle charging
Check Your Pricing Plan Options

Being on the right energy plan for your lifestyle can add up to real savings on your bill, especially if you can shift your energy use.

Check pricing plan options

person using cell phone
Enjoy the Convenience of Auto Pay

Enroll in Auto Pay with My Energy Center. It's an easy and secure way to make sure your SDG&E bill is paid on time. Automatically. Each month. 

Learn more about Auto Pay

Maximizing Time-of-Use to Work for You and the Environment  

Did you know the demand for energy is usually higher between 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.? Even if you aren’t on a Time-of-Use plan, shifting energy use outside these hours means you can make better use of cleaner, renewable energy sources when they are more available to the power grid. If you’re on a Time-of-Use plan, which most customers are, shifting your use can also save you money. Save even more by taking advantage of the lowest-priced electricity during super off-peak hours. 

Shift to Save

Delay chores.

Utilize the delay start button on your dishwasher and washing machine, if you can.

Save while you sleep.

Recharge your devices while you do the same, so your devices will be fully charged when you wake up.

Set a timer.

Schedule your pool and spa pumps to run during super off-peak hours.

Winter Safety Tips for Your Home

Safety should come first every season. Here are some helpful safety tips for your home. Visit our safety page for more home safety tips and information on gas safety, powerline safety and more.


Install a Carbon Monoxide Detector

Install a carbon monoxide detector in your home. Check the battery annually and replace the detector every five years to ensure it's working.


Prevent a Fire

Keep electric heaters a safe distance from furniture, blankets and other objects that could catch fire.

holiday lights

Don't Overload Outlets

When lighting for the holidays, always replace damaged light cords and broken sockets instead of trying to repair them. Also, try not to overload electrical outlets.


Watch Out for Hidden Damage

Keep electrical cords away from heat sources and pedestrian traffic. Do not place cords under rugs or mats where damage can go unnoticed.


Generator Safety

If you use one, ensure its properly installed and ventilated to prevent carbon monoxide exposure.

Heating Vent

Keep Vents Clear

Keep heating vents clear of air flow obstructions like furniture or curtains. Consider using a vent cover or deflector.


Fireplace Safety

Have your chimney inspected and cleaned by a professional annually. Only burn dry, seasoned wood.

Electrical Cord

Electrical Cord Safety

Be sure to use outdoor-rated extension cords for holiday decorations to prevent electrical hazards. 

Energy Management Programs

When you sign up for the energy management programs we offer, you can save energy and earn rewards.

smart thermostat

Residential Energy Solutions

No-cost, energy-efficiency upgrades for single-family homes whether you rent or own. Benefit the energy grid and the environment by helping reduce your energy consumption.

Learn more about no-cost upgrades

shopping carts

Golden State Rebates

Qualifying customers can receive rebates toward the purchase of energy-efficient products for the home.

Learn more about rebates

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